Setting up a proxy in the Clash for Windows

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Clash for Windows is a program designed to enhance connection anonymity and enable the bypassing of geo-restrictions through the integration of multiple proxies. It utilizes configuration files to manage and switch between numerous proxy servers without constraints. This feature makes Clash for Windows particularly useful for website and application testing, managing multiple social media accounts, and accessing online games restricted to specific regions. The tool's built-in functionality supports a broad range of uses, making it versatile for both individual and professional applications.

How to setup proxy in the Clash for Windows app

  1. Launch the application and go to the “General” folder. Here, activate the “System Proxy” option.


  2. Navigate to the “Profiles” tab, find the default profile, right-click on it, and select “Edit” from the context menu.


  3. In the configuration window, input the necessary lines with your proxy server data.


  4. Save your changes by clicking the floppy disk icon in the lower right corner.


  5. Move to the “Proxies” tab and select “Global”. Your configured proxy server should appear here. Activate it by clicking on it. You can also verify its functionality by clicking the “Check” button.


  6. Open your web browser and visit a site that verifies geolocation to ensure the proxy geolocation matches.


  7. To disable the proxy, select “Direct” in the Clash for Windows interface.


By integrating a proxy server in this way, you ensure encrypted and secure connections while circumventing potential blocks on targeted websites.
