Overview of MultiLogin anti-detect browser

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Multilogin is an anti-detect browser designed primarily for multi-accounting, web automation, and both application and website development. It supports the configuration and management of proxy servers and offers detailed customization of digital fingerprint parameters. This capability enables users to manage thousands of accounts without the risk of facing blocks or restrictions.


Additionally, Multilogin can be an effective tool for team collaboration. It features built-in functionality that allows multiple employees to operate efficiently within a single browser environment, enhancing productivity and coordination among team members.

Features of MultiLogin

MultiLogin is an anti-detection browser with a broad range of functions that allow you to create profiles, perform detailed configuration of their digital fingerprints, and effectively manage them both individually and in a team. The browser provides options for automating actions and quickly launching profiles for one-time tasks. Additional key features include:

  • The choice to use different built-in browsers, such as Mimic, which is built on Chrome, and Stealthfox, which is based on Firefox;
  • The function of blocking the active session when creating a profile, which prevents the simultaneous launch of one profile from different devices;
  • Data synchronization - when you close your profile, your session data is sent to AWS cloud servers.

Let's take a closer look at the main functions of MultiLogin.

Profile fingerprint masking

The functionality of the browser enables you to alter various digital fingerprint parameters for each individual profile, enhancing confidentiality when managing accounts. The main parameters available for modification include:

  • User-agent: provides data about the user's browser and device;
  • Screen resolution;
  • Fonts, time zone, system language;
  • Geolocation;
  • CPU model of the user's device;
  • WebRTC and other parameters.


Most of these parameters can be configured manually; additionally, some are automatically adjusted according to the user’s IP address. This feature helps to avoid inconsistencies in the digital fingerprint that might arise when using proxy servers.

API automation

Having API functionality can offer many benefits for various types of web automation and data work:

  1. Using the API allows you to programmatically manage digital fingerprint data, automatically adapting it to different tasks.
  2. Using the API, you can simultaneously manage multiple unique browser profiles. This is ideal for running, for example, marketing campaigns that require simultaneous management of a large number of unique online sessions.
  3. Using the API in conjunction with Multilogin, you can automate daily routine tasks such as data collection, automatic account registration, or content verification.

Integration with Puppeteer and Selenium

It's important to mention the possibility of integrating Puppeteer and Selenium to automate most processes related to account creation and management, as well as developing scripts and web crawlers for altering digital fingerprints and gathering information. Here's a closer look at the capabilities of these libraries:

  1. Selenium: this tool allows the use of Remote WebDriver to connect to a browser profile via a local port. This setup ensures that commands are specifically configured and executed within a designated browser profile.
  2. Puppeteer: a Node.js-based tool that leverages the Chrome DevTools Protocol to automate browser actions. It enables the creation of web crawlers that can parse data through a Mimic browser equipped with a unique digital fingerprint, thus preventing account tracking.

Detailed documentation on how to operate these libraries is available on the Multilogin website.

Instant creation and launch of quick profiles

One unique feature of the browser is the capability to create one-time profiles that automatically delete all information upon closing. In the settings menu for such a profile, you can select the operating system, and the desired browser, and also set up a proxy server. This method of creating profiles is particularly useful for performing simple tasks, such as setting up a proxy to bypass regional restrictions on specific resources.



The team functionality of the browser enables effective management of a large number of profiles within a single space and facilitates the distribution of responsibilities among employees. By default, the active session is locked, preventing another person from starting a profile that is already in use. Additionally, you can configure different levels of access; for instance, the ability to delete profiles or make changes can be restricted to selected users only.

All team-related processes can be managed via the “Team members” tab, which is conveniently located on the main page of the Multilogin interface.


Browser pricing

There are four subscription options to choose from. You can select a suitable tariff for the user’s goals and objectives, based on the availability of certain functionality and price. In this case, regardless of the selected tariff, the following functions will be available to the user:

  • Ability to configure proxy servers;
  • Unlimited creation of one-time profiles;
  • Setting up a digital fingerprint;
  • Sync profiles across different devices.

Let's take a closer look at each of the presented tariffs and compare them further.


The starter plan, priced at €99 monthly, is suitable for single users handling basic tasks like managing a small number of accounts and changing digital fingerprints. It offers all basic functionalities, including the ability to create up to 100 browser profiles.


Starting at €199 per month, this tariff is designed for managing a team of up to three people. It includes built-in functionality for teamwork and allows the creation and editing of up to 300 profiles. All automation tools are also available under this plan.


Priced at €399 monthly, the Scale plan is geared towards managing medium to large projects. It allows adding up to 7 team members and the creation and sharing of 1000 profiles. Full API access is provided with this subscription.


This plan offers personalized access tailored to specific needs, including the number of profiles and team members. Pricing and other parameters are negotiated individually with a Multilogin manager.

Tariff Solo Team Scale Custom
Price €99 €199 €399 Discussed
Number of available profiles 100 300 1000 1000+
Proxy functionality Yes Yes Yes Yes
Team functionality No Yes Yes Yes
Number of team members 0 3 7 7+
Full API access Yes Yes Yes Yes
Configuration of digital fingerprint Yes Yes Yes Yes

MultiLogin interface

The presence of a user-friendly interface significantly enhances the efficiency of performing user tasks. MultiLogin is equipped with all the necessary tabs to manage your team, profiles, and other settings effectively. Let's take a closer look at each interface element.

Browser profiles

The main workspace in MultiLogin is the profiles tab, where users can create, edit, and distribute profiles among different groups. This tab also includes a switch to sort between cloud and local profiles. Cloud profiles are accessible on any device where the user's account is open, while local profiles are stored only on the current device.


When creating a new profile, users can modify most digital fingerprint parameters, assign a name, and place the profile in a specific group. This organization greatly aids in the future identification and management of profiles.

Additionally, there is the capability to create mobile profiles that mimic the settings of a mobile browser. These profiles support changes in screen orientation and scale and can emulate the use of a touchpad. This feature not only increases the level of trust in your account but is also invaluable for developers and testers working on mobile-responsive websites.



This tab is dedicated to managing team dynamics, including the ability to send invitations to new members and assign specific access levels to different folders containing profiles. Once an employee is added, all primary activities, such as profile management, are conducted from the start page with profiles. Should there be a need to remove employees or adjust their access levels, these modifications can all be managed within the “Team members” tab.


My account

On this tab, the user can change the global settings of browser profiles and the settings of the application itself. On the main page, options are available to change your account password, cancel your subscription, and also check your logs. This allows you to track user actions, identify errors in the browser, and eliminate them.


The “Default profile settings” section allows you to configure the following parameters:

  • The browser that will be used by default when creating a new profile;
  • Preferred language for different browser versions;
  • Screen resolution;
  • Enabling the saving of passwords, bookmarks, and browsing history when working in browsers.

The last section allows you to select the application language, optimize the application settings for working with certain websites, and activate widgets for contacting support and other notifications.



This tab allows you to download and install various extensions and plugins for working with browser profiles. If necessary, these plugins can also be deactivated directly from this menu.


Support Center

If questions or problems arise while working with the browser, the user can use this tab. It allows you to find answers to most questions, study detailed documentation on the browser’s functionality, and also contact support.


Step-by-step profile creation in MultiLogin

  1. Click on the “Create new” button located in the left panel of the browser.


  2. In the window that appears, assign a name to the profile, add it to a previously created group if desired, and select the operating system and browser. It is recommended to leave the time zone, WebRTC, and geolocation settings at their default values, which will automatically match the IP address used. To generate a digital fingerprint randomly, click on the “Get new fingerprint” button.


  3. Proceed to “Advanced” settings. Under the “Navigator” section, you can modify the User-agent, screen resolution, and browser language, and enable the “Do Not Track” function.


  4. Optionally, you can adjust fonts and hardware identifiers such as Canvas and WebGL. By default, these are already masked and often do not require modification.


  5. Once you have configured all the necessary settings, click “Create profile” at the bottom right of the window.


  6. After successfully creating the profile, navigate to the “All profiles” tab and click “Start” to launch it. For additional options, click on the three dots to the right of the profile where you can edit the profile, move it to a group, or import cookies if needed.


How to set up a proxy in MultiLogin

When managing a large number of accounts and aiming to minimize the risk of getting blocked, it is recommended to use private proxy servers. By changing your IP address with these proxies, you can also bypass regional restrictions and access resources that were previously blocked. The browser's functionality supports any available connection protocol and allows for checking the functionality of the proxy server. For detailed instructions on setting up a proxy in MultiLogin, you can visit our website via this link.

In conclusion, MultiLogin can serve as a versatile tool for secure account management across various domains. It is especially suitable for users who require not just standard functions for setting up browser profiles, but also additional capabilities such as creating mobile and one-time profiles. Moreover, its flexible pricing policy offers options that can accommodate tasks of any scale.
