What affects the anonymity of a proxy or IP

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When purchasing or using a proxy, the objective remains consistent - to alter your location or perform various essential tasks while operating from a specific geographic position. It is important to remember that this must be achieved while maintaining a significant degree of anonymity.

Let's delve into what lies beneath the concept of “IP anonymity on the network”.

IP anonymity - how “clean” is the outgoing address in relation to the requested resource. It reflects the level of “transparency” in the information provided by the device when a request is made.

Video: What affects proxy/IP anonymity

What affects high IP/proxy anonymity scores

  1. Flash has been deactivated in the browser.
  2. WebRTC has been deactivated.
  3. The device's language corresponds to the proxy geo.
  4. Differences in the system, local time, and time zone are present.
  5. A clean user-agent is used/generated in the browser.
  6. The IP address/proxy is not listed in any blacklists.
  7. The DoNotTrack function has not been enabled.

Ordinary users mistakenly include in this list such a concept as DNS of IP address, which are not considered when constructing an IP or proxy anonymity profile. It is merely a parameter of affiliation.

Most services and websites we regularly access, including those used in our work routine, store data regarding the IP address from which requests are made. For example, gambling websites, cryptocurrency exchanges, marketplaces, and so on. This “knowledge” of our address is irrelevant as long as the terms of use of the service/website are not violated. But in case of misuse of services - sanctions can be applied. The easiest way is to analyze the IP address of the profile, the main criteria are:

  • Whether a proxy was used during interactions with the service.
  • Whether the IP address has been previously associated with another user.
  • The number of profiles within one subnet and their level of interconnectedness.
  • The actions performed under the IP address.

Recommendations for using proxies:

Considering the listed IP anonymity criteria mentioned at the beginning of the article, it is crucial to select a reliable provider and determine the type of proxies to be used. Primarily, private proxies are recommended, and the choice of proxy type depends on both the budget and the use case.

Several factors that affect the proxy server anonymity level:

  1. Proxy server type: Certain proxy types, like SOCKS, offer a higher degree of anonymity compared to others, such as HTTP(s).
  2. Level of user identification: The extent to which user information is transmitted through the proxy server impacts its anonymity level. Some proxies may reveal the user's IP address, while others keep it hidden.
  3. Proxy server quality: Factors like speed and reliability of the proxy server can influence its level of anonymity.
  4. Proxy server location: Proxy servers located in countries with stricter internet policies and robust data protection laws tend to provide a heightened level of anonymity.
  5. Number of users sharing the same proxy server: When multiple users share the same proxy server, the anonymity of each user diminishes.

To ensure a high level of anonymity, it is generally recommended to select proxy servers that provide a minimal level of user identification and are located in countries with more free internet policies.
