What is ReCaptcha and how to bypass it

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ReCaptcha is a CAPTCHA system developed by Google. It serves as a test to discern whether a website request is being made by a human or a bot. Unlike simpler captcha forms, ReCaptcha employs more advanced and intricate algorithms for analyzing and verifying user interactions.

Here's how a standard captcha might be presented:


Typical ReCaptcha example:


After ticking the checkbox, access to the site might be granted immediately; however, in certain instances, an additional verification window may pop up, appearing like this:


ReCaptcha serves as a security feature on websites, providing protection against automated attacks. Here are several ways ReCaptcha technology is implemented in web development:

  • In registration and login forms to prevent automated sign-ups and logins;
  • On password recovery pages to safeguard against unauthorized password resets;
  • In feedback and comment forms to block spam submissions;
  • In payment and ordering forms to secure transactions from bots;
  • To shield APIs, like payment systems, from automated queries.

ReCaptcha plays a crucial role online as it helps protect websites from spam and undesirable automated activities such as the creation of fake accounts and mass submissions through feedback forms and comments. Moreover, it secures sites against bots attempting to hack into user accounts, thus preserving the confidential data of site users.

How ReCaptcha works

ReCaptcha employs various techniques to identify suspicious behavior on websites. This includes monitoring how users interact with the site, such as the speed of typing in data fields, mouse movements, time spent on a page, and other behavioral metrics. It also uses statistical analysis of activity indicators like request rates and examines network traffic, including the IP addresses used to access the site.

Here’s a breakdown of how ReCaptcha operates:

  1. When patterns indicative of suspicious activity are detected, ReCaptcha activates. Users encounter the “I am not a robot” checkbox and are required to click it.
  2. After clicking the checkbox, ReCaptcha assesses the user's behavior on the webpage, including movements of the mouse pointer, clicks, and typing dynamics.
  3. It then analyzes data from the user’s browser and operating system to determine whether it's a genuine browser or an automated script.
  4. If the initial checks are inconclusive, ReCaptcha v2 might present an additional challenge, such as identifying objects in images. However, in ReCaptcha v3, image-based tests are no longer used.
  5. If the user correctly completes the challenge, they can continue using the site. If the task is incorrectly solved, ReCaptcha may prompt for a retry or present a new challenge. Blocks occur rarely, only in instances of significant security concerns or evident attempts to circumvent the safeguards.

ReCaptcha incorporates machine learning algorithms to analyze responses and conducts statistical analyses to compare the responses in the current session against previous ones.

Reasons for ReCaptcha appearance

Considering the operational principles of ReCaptcha and the methods it uses to identify suspicious user activities on a website, we can pinpoint several common reasons for its activation. These include a suspicious user fingerprint, an unusually high volume of requests that deviate from normal human behavior, and detected malicious activities on the site.

Suspicious browser Fingerprint

A fingerprint, often referred to as a digital fingerprint of a browser, gathers identification data about the browser and the device on which it is installed. This includes several parameters such as:

  • HTTP headers;
  • Screen resolution;
  • Fonts installed on the device;
  • Technologies like WebGL or Flash that the browser can support.;
  • IP address.

Several types of HTTP headers are sent to the end server with each request, which are scrutinized by security systems. Some of these headers include:

  • User-Agent: provides information about the software or device from which the request is sent;
  • Referer: indicates the URL of the previous webpage from which the transition was made;
  • Set-cookie: carries session data, user preferences, and authorization status;
  • Accept-language: specifies the user’s preferred languages.

When bots are used to automate actions on a website, the information in these headers may be incorrect, unusually formatted, or even missing, which can render the browser's fingerprint suspicious.

Additionally, a site’s security system often analyzes the user’s location based on their IP address. If this location seems inconsistent with a particular Internet provider or does not align with locations used in previous sessions, the site might prompt a ReCaptcha challenge. This technology is also capable of identifying IP addresses associated with known VPN services and maintains its own blacklists of certain IP address ranges. The presence of a captcha often serves to block access via anonymizers and to guard against unauthorized access.

Website traffic abuse

Traffic abuse encompasses various manipulative actions aimed at skewing website statistics and disrupting normal operations. Here are some typical examples of traffic abuse:

  • Employing special software to simulate visits to a website;
  • Altering data in HTTP headers to misrepresent the sources of traffic;
  • Employing automated tools to artificially inflate the number of clicks on advertisements;
  • Distributing site links through spam comments, on social media platforms, or across forums;
  • Diverting traffic meant for one website to another resource.

Such activities are often carried out to harm a resource for personal gain. For instance, by redirecting traffic, perpetrators can illicitly capture users' data, which might then be used for unauthorized purposes, thereby tarnishing the website’s reputation. Additionally, the use of clickbots can either inflate a website owner's advertising expenditures or generate illegitimate profits from fraudulent clicks.

The implementation of ReCaptcha is a countermeasure to such abuses, aimed at curtailing the activities of bots. This technology helps prevent certain forms of traffic abuse and complicates the execution of automated attacks, as bots or scripts are generally unable to recognize and solve captcha challenges effectively. However, it’s important to note that ReCaptcha alone is not sufficient to fully combat traffic abuse. It is typically used in conjunction with other security measures, such as analyzing user behavior or employing intrusion detection systems, to enhance overall site protection.

The high number of requests

A variety of actions can occur on a website that heavily loads the server by generating a high volume of requests. These activities include:

  • Brute force attacks: these involve attempting to guess passwords, PIN codes, or encryption keys to gain unauthorized access. They are executed using software specifically designed to automate the process of trying different password combinations until the correct one is hit.
  • Excessive file downloads: multiple requests to download heavy pages or large files can overload the server, leading to the web resource's failure and prolonged loading times for its pages.
  • Spamming: involves sending out a large volume of emails, comments, feedback form messages, and other types of content using automated software, which significantly increases the number of requests sent to the server.
  • Web scraping: this refers to the automated extraction of data from website pages using various programs and scripts. Web scraping can lead to issues such as copyright infringement, violations of website terms, and additional strain on servers.

In these scenarios, ReCaptcha serves as a mechanism to curb the influx of requests. By presenting challenges that are difficult for automated software to bypass, ReCaptcha effectively hinders further automated actions, thereby reducing the number of requests and alleviating the load on the server.

Methods to bypass ReCaptcha

Given the characteristics and operational principles of ReCaptcha technology, one effective way to bypass it is by altering your digital footprint online. Additionally, special services can be utilized to solve captchas automatically; these services can be integrated into the software to handle captcha challenges without manual input. For optimal results, combining multiple methods to circumvent ReCaptcha is recommended, leveraging both technological and strategic approaches to minimize detection and maintain access to desired web resources.

Google account authentication

When encountering a captcha while using Google services like Google Search, Google Scholar, or YouTube, a simple method to bypass it often involves logging into your Google account. Google utilizes information about a user's account and their activity patterns to discern whether the user is a real person or a bot. This approach can also be effective on other websites that support Google authentication, as it leverages the user's established credibility linked to their Google account to facilitate access and bypass captcha challenges.


However, ReCaptcha may still appear for an authenticated user if an excessive number of requests or other suspicious activities are detected. This ensures that the user is real and not a bot, helping maintain the security of the web resource.

Using CAPTCHA-solving services

To tackle ReCaptcha, you can use specialized services that integrate with user software and offer APIs for automating captcha solutions. These services might also be available as browser plugins. However, it's important to note that such services do not decrease the frequency of ReCaptcha occurrences; they merely serve as a supplementary tool for situations where other methods fail to bypass captchas.

The market features a wide array of services designed for automated captcha solving. Some rely entirely on manual input, while others use a mix of artificial intelligence and human verification to achieve quicker results. Here are three of the most popular services for solving ReCaptcha.



This service operates on the principle of manually solving captchas and can address all current captchas from Google, recognizing them on any website. The captcha bypass function is facilitated through integration with the service's API.

In the 2Captcha service, payment is based on the number of captchas solved, with a rate of 1.00 € per 1,000 recognized captchas. According to the developers of the service, the average time to solve a standard captcha is about 6 seconds.



DeathbyCAPTCHA can be integrated into web applications or software using an API. This service uses a combination of optical character recognition technology and manual human input for captcha solving, operating on a hybrid model. The developer claims the service achieves a solution accuracy of 90%, with an average response time of 8 to 10 seconds. Additionally, there is a special feature available that guarantees 100% accuracy; when activated, a captcha task is sent to three different workers to ensure the highest level of precision in the results.

Pricing varies based on the type of captcha being solved, with the current rate for solving ReCaptcha set at $2.89 per 1,000 correctly solved captchas. Importantly, users are not charged for tasks that are not successfully resolved.



This service utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to fully automate the captcha-solving process. AZcaptcha achieves an efficiency rate of over 90% in solving ReCaptcha. It offers various packages, including some that provide unlimited captcha solving for a set period. Prices start at $1 per 1,000 solved Google captchas.

Additionally, AZcaptcha features extensions for Google Chrome and Firefox that enable users to automate captcha solving as they browse the internet.

Given that logging into a Google account does not guarantee captcha avoidance on all websites, and that captcha-solving services only address the problem rather than preventing it, using anti-detect browsers and proxy servers may be more effective strategies for bypassing ReCaptcha.

Using anti-detect browsers

Anti-detect browsers are specifically designed to prevent tracking of a real user's data online. They are widely used in fields such as SEO optimization, SMM marketing, and e-commerce, where the ability to create and manage multiple accounts from a single interface is crucial for effective task completion.

These browsers offer specialized features that help configure automated actions to bypass captchas and minimize the risk of user blocking:

  • Changing the browser fingerprint. Users can adjust various parameters of their digital fingerprint, such as HTTP headers, device type, screen size, and other data while operating within an anti-detection browser.
  • Integration with third-party captcha-solving services. Anti-detect browsers support APIs that allow for the automatic solving of captchas, integrating seamlessly with third-party services.
  • Emulating user behavior. These browsers are equipped with tools that mimic real human actions on websites, such as mouse movements and typing patterns. This functionality helps maintain a lower profile even when automated actions are being performed.
  • Proxy Integration. Utilizing a pool of proxy servers and managing request distribution can help prevent captchas and avoid potential blocks.

There are five top anti-detection browsers available that offer extensive functionality for altering your digital fingerprint and effectively circumventing captchas.

Dolphin {Anty}


The browser features specialized tools for team collaboration, enabling the creation of numerous browser profiles with unique digital fingerprints for each. Additionally, it supports scripting directly within the browser to automate repetitive tasks, significantly reducing the need for routine manual input.

Dolphin {Anty} provides access to an extensive database of real fingerprints, greatly minimizing the likelihood of encountering captchas. This feature helps prevent the linking of profiles that are created and managed within the same workspace, enhancing the effectiveness and security of operations conducted through the browser.



The Anti-Detect browser boasts several critical features designed to enhance user privacy and efficiency. One such feature is the ability to quickly create one-time profiles, which are browser profiles that are automatically deleted once Multilogin is closed. These profiles are ideal for executing temporary or short-term tasks.

Moreover, the browser includes functionality to automatically disable potentially dangerous plugins that could lead to leaks of real user data. When configuring a proxy, Multilogin automatically reads its parameters and sets appropriate values, including browser languages, time zones, and geolocation settings. Additionally, the browser features a “CookieRobot” that automatically scans websites and collects cookies, further streamlining the user experience.

Collectively, these features help in crafting a credible digital fingerprint, which in turn reduces the likelihood of encountering captchas, thereby facilitating smoother and more secure browsing sessions.



The Anti-Detect browser boasts several unique features, such as a web version that enables users to launch and edit profiles on a cloud server, alongside a mobile app available for Android.

GoLogin also features the “Warpcore” function, particularly beneficial for teamwork. This function allows users to operate profiles using different versions of the Orbita browser and its corresponding browser engine versions. Warpcore ensures consistency across the browser core, eliminating discrepancies that may arise when team members use different versions of GoLogin and Orbita. This uniformity helps prevent account detection, reduce captchas from suspicious fingerprints, and avoid account blocking, making it an essential tool for maintaining smooth and secure operations across team activities.



To create a realistic browser fingerprint that minimizes the occurrence of captchas, AdsPower offers several advantageous features:

  • “Cookie Robot”: this tool automatically visits websites and collects cookies;
  • Allows the import of bookmarks from Google Chrome into individual browser profiles or simultaneously across all profiles;
  • Emulates manual input when pasting text from the clipboard into browser fields.

These features enable detailed settings adjustments for individual profiles in the anti-detection browser, effectively aiding in captcha avoidance.



Incogniton is designed for both team and individual use. The browser offers a “Cookie Collector” feature that automatically gathers cookies and supports extensive customization of fingerprint settings. It operates with two built-in browsers: Sun Browser, which is based on Chromium, and Flower Browser, which uses the Firefox engine.

An interesting feature of Incogniton is the integrated OCR function. This tool allows users to easily extract text from images and paste it as editable text, enhancing the browser's versatility and utility.

All anti-detect browsers provide various tariff plans, each offering different capabilities. Let's examine these in more detail through a comparative table.

Browser name Tariffs Cost per month Max number of browser profiles Teamwork functionality
Dolphin {Anty} Free $0 10 No
Base $89 100 Yes, $10 per extra user
Team $159 300 Yes, $20 per extra user
Enterprise $299 10,000 with the possibility to set a custom quantity Yes, $25 per extra user
Multilogin Solo €99 100 No
Team €199 300 Yes, 3 participants
Scale €399 1 000 Yes, 7 participants
Custom Depends on selected options More than 1,000 Yes, more than 7 participants
GoLogin Professional $24 100 No
Business $49 300 Yes, 10 participants
Enterprise $99 1 000 Yes, 20 participants
Custom $149 10 000 Yes, 100 participants
AdsPower Free $0 5 No
Base From $5.4 10 Yes, custom quantity selection
Pro From $30 100 Yes, custom quantity selection
Custom Depends on selected options More than 10,000 Yes, custom quantity selection
Incogniton Starter $0 10 No
Entrepreneur $29.99 50 No
Professional $79.99 150 Yes, 3 participants
Multinational $149.99 500 Yes, 10 participants

Using proxy servers

A proxy server can help bypass captchas by hiding the real IP address when sending a request. This is especially useful for activities such as data scraping or purchasing goods from online stores. For these purposes, special software is used - scrapers and sneakerbots, which during their work send a large number of requests to the end servers, which is the reason for the appearance of ReCaptcha.

By integrating a proxy into such software, the user can eliminate or reduce the frequency of captcha appearances. But it is important to consider that in order to work effectively, the proxy must have rotation - the process of changing the IP address, or the presence of a pool of static servers. In this case, excessive activity will not be recorded for one IP address, and it will not be identified as suspicious by the web resource’s security system. In this context, two main categories of proxy servers should be mentioned: static and dynamic, and discussed in more detail.

Static proxies for bypassing CAPTCHA

Static proxies are fixed IP addresses that remain unchanged unless the user alters the settings or disables them. Users can also manually configure the rotation of these proxies using special software, such as sneakerbots, anti-detect browsers, and scrapers. To do this, the user must purchase a pool of IP addresses, load them into the software, and set a time interval for changing them.

This category includes two types of proxies:

  • Datacenter proxy IPv4/IPv6;
  • ISP proxy.

It's important to note that these proxies are not equally effective for bypassing captchas, which is related to their origins.

IPv4/IPv6 data center proxies are hosted in private data centers. They are not linked to real internet service providers and therefore are not listed in internet IP address registries. When such an IP address is checked, the security system cannot verify a real provider and host, often resulting in the need to solve a captcha.

ISP proxies, on the other hand, are located on servers operated by internet providers, so captchas occur less frequently with their use. However, sending a high volume of requests from such an IP address might still trigger captchas, as this level of activity is unusual for a regular user.

Dynamic proxies for bypassing CAPTCHA

Dynamic proxies feature IP address rotation, providing users with options for how the IP addresses change, such as time-based rotation or upon each new URL request. With this type of proxy, there's no need to purchase a pool of IP addresses. Instead, buying a single proxy or a traffic plan grants access to a rotating pool of IP addresses.

This category includes two types of proxies:

  • Residential;
  • Mobile.

Residential proxies are located on the personal computers of real users who are connected to the Internet. They garner a high level of trust from web resource security systems because they can verify the real provider, host, and geolocation of the device. The dynamic nature of these proxies allows them to bypass request limits set on individual IP addresses by web resources, significantly reducing the likelihood of triggering captchas.

Mobile proxies are situated on devices that utilize mobile networks for internet access. The use of mobile proxies generally prevents the appearance of captchas and blocks, thanks to the specific way mobile networks operate:

  1. A user initiates a request to the internet from a mobile device.
  2. This request travels through a NAT device within the mobile operator’s network.
  3. The NAT device modifies the source IP address and ports of the request to public data associated with the mobile operator's network.
  4. The modified request, now carrying a publicly available IP address and ports, is sent out to the internet.
  5. When a response is returned from the server, the NAT device uses the port information to correctly route the response back to the specific device on the mobile operator's local network.

NAT, or Network Address Translation, is a mechanism utilized in mobile networks to translate private IP addresses into a public IP address. This allows multiple devices to share a single public IP address provided by the mobile network. The process helps conserve IPv4 address space and enables more efficient utilization of IP addresses within mobile networks.

Due to this operational principle, a high volume of requests from a single mobile IP address is considered normal behavior, and web security systems do not flag these as suspicious activities.

Consequently, mobile proxies emerge as the most effective means for bypassing captcha, particularly useful for automated actions or accessing resources with stringent security measures. They are ideally suited for use in anti-detect browsers, sneakerbots, and parsers, eliminating the need for additional captcha-solving services.

To conclude, effectively bypassing captchas for multi-account operations and automated tasks like web scraping often requires a combination of several strategies. The most effective approach typically involves using an anti-detect browser in conjunction with dynamic proxies. This setup allows for complete alteration of the digital fingerprint, mimicking the behavior of various users on a web resource, thereby avoiding the detection patterns that trigger ReCaptcha.
