Setting up a proxy in the BitBrowser

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Bitbrowser is an open-source anti-detect browser specifically designed for social network automation. Its software simulates human behavior, enabling users to manage multiple accounts effortlessly and assist with advertising. Each profile is provided with a unique and customized environment, ensuring independent device data and a new IP address for enhanced security. Bitbrowser is compatible with both Windows and MacOS operating systems, making it ideal for collaborative projects, such as social media promotion. It supports authentication of various profiles and authorization login, allowing users to control access for team members and manage profiles efficiently. The browser's fingerprinting configuration automates processes, enabling secure management of accounts for e-commerce platforms, social networks, advertising campaigns, and independent sites. Antidetect capabilities ensure unrestricted access to a wide range of websites and platforms.

Bitbrowser also supports the configuration of most proxy types available on the market. This feature enables users to scale their business by managing multiple profiles while keeping them safe from potential blocks.

Step-by-step proxy setup in the BitBrowser

To set up a proxy correctly in BitBrowser, follow these instructions:

  1. Install and open Bitbrowser on your device. Navigate to the “Browser Profiles” section from the main menu.


  2. Click the “Create” button to initiate a new profile and configure the proxy.


  3. In the window that appears, create a profile for a specific group member. In the “Basic Settings” section, assign a window name, and group, and select a platform from the available options or specify your own.


  4. Scroll down to the “Proxy Settings” section and choose the connection type from the drop-down list.


  5. After selecting the connection type, fields will appear for entering proxy server details, including IP-address, port, username, and password for private proxies with authentication.


  6. In the “General Settings” section, you can adjust additional parameters for the profile's operation.


  7. The final step is the “Fingerprint” settings section. The browser automatically generates a new profile fingerprint, displaying parameters such as the operating system, browser, language, and time zone. Set the device type and select the necessary options. Click “Confirm” to save the profile with all settings.


  8. After completing the proxy and other settings, the profile will be displayed on the browser's main page and is ready for use.


The proxy setup in the Bitbrowser is now complete. A profile with an established IP address will provide users with the ability to browse anonymously and remain protected from tracking.
