Integrating Residential Proxies into Curl via API Tools

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cURL is a command line utility that is included in the libcurl library and is used to transfer data with the use of various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. cURL is one of the basic components of developers’ tool kits, used in practice to test web APIs, download files, and perform other Internet-related data transfer tasks.

The tool also provides a variety of functions such as authentication, proxy connections and SSL settings, which are important for web and system development.

Residential proxies are useful for scraping data from web pages that use some methods relevant to bot protection or limit the amount of requests accepted from a single IP address. There is also an API for these types of proxies, which makes it easier to connect proxies to other services or applications. This support for API enables rotation of IPs which minimizes chances of blockage, hence easier management of the proxy.

Here we will demonstrate in detail how to create a list of residential proxies and add them to cURL using an API tool.

Creating a List of Residential Proxies

The purchased proxies can be viewed in the “Orders” section of the personal dashboard under “Resident”. To put together a list of residential proxies and API integration, there are a few steps need to be performed:

  1. Set a name for your new list. Choose the type of rotation: “Sticky” option gives the ability to maintain the IP for the longest time, and “Rotating” permits the system to rotate the residential proxies automatically. Either by username and password or through the main IP address, type of authorization can be opted for.


  2. Set the desired country, region, city, and provider details more narrowly in the “Filter” section. Ports line specifies the number of ports to be generated, which corresponds to the number of proxy servers. Do not change but keep to the default options for the export format and click on the “Create api tools” button.


  3. The newly created API key will be found in the “Proxy List” menu. You can copy the line to integrate the generated API key in cURL and see the necessary authorization data in this section.


The final step prior to directly working with cURL is generating the API key. Copy it and place it in a text file, and then edit the string after -x, inserting into it the username and the password of the proxy. The result should be as follows:

curl -v -x

Save this data for further integration. Now, let’s proceed with the system configuration that would allow us to engage with the cURL.

Getting Started With Installation Of Curl

For the purposes of this write up, we will be using Windows 11, these examples have Curl already embedded into the system. However, for illustrative purposes, let’s take a look at how to do this manually on every OS.


Although cURL is included in the standard set of tools in Windows 11, it is not available in earlier versions, such as Windows 10. To open the command prompt, press the Win+R key combination and enter cmd. cURL can be installed using the package manager WinGet with the command:

winget install curl.curl


In most Linux distributions, cURL is available through standard package managers. To install in Ubuntu or Debian, use:

apt-get install curl

For Red Hat-based systems such as RHEL, CentOS, or Fedora, use the Yellowdog Updater Modified (YUM):

yum install curl

OpenSUSE users can install cURL through zypper:

zypper install curl

In Arch Linux, cURL is installed via pacman:

pacman -Sy curl


On macOS, cURL is best installed through the package manager Homebrew. After installing Homebrew, execute the command:

brew install curl

Now that cURL is installed on the operating system, we can proceed to integrate residential proxies using the API.

Integrating Residential Proxies into Curl and Sending a Request

To verify that every request made is being routed through the proxy, various options are available. One of the most basic is a test service that provides information about the IP address used and any further details on the request. Services such as provide this capability.

In the command prompt, type in the previously saved API and at the end add the test site which is The format is as follows:

curl -v -x

This command will make it possible to send a request to using the proxy. The service will respond with a JSON object containing the IP address from which the request was received and other parameters. If the connection is ok, the response will go as:


"origin": "": This is the IP address that has been used as outgoing IP for and would be expected to be the proxy IP address.

Using Flags Examples

As in addition to the practical portion of this article, also useful shall be some information concerning the sending data via cURL with different flags.

Special attention is paid to the flags -d, -F, and --json, each serving a specific purpose.

Sending JSON data through residential proxy using -d:

Primarily for sending forms or JSON, Often a POST request is sent using the -d or --data flag. This example demonstrates how to send authentication data through with API residential proxy as follows:

curl -v -x -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"admin","password":"password123"}'

Here, -x is used to configure the proxy with authentication data, and -d sends user information to the server.

Sending a file through residential proxy using -F:

The -F flag is used for sending files in multipart/form-data format. This method is ideal for APIs that require file uploads through a proxy.

curl -v -x -F "file=@path_to_your_file.txt"

The -F flag specifies the path to the file that should be sent, and -x configures the proxy to route the request.

Simplified sending of JSON using --json:

The --json flag is aimed at easier sending of JSON as it sets the appropriate headers describing the nature of the data automatically.

An example of sending JSON using a residential proxy with cURL --json goes as follows:

curl -v -x --json '{"key":"value"}'

In this case, --json takes care of adding the necessary headers in order to target JSON and sends the request through the said proxy to which will return the IP along with the requested information.

Using cURL and API residential proxies in conjunction opens up a world of possibilities with regards to performing network requests. The ability to manage proxy servers with ease allowing users to change IP addresses and certain configurations easily without any manual input. This not only assists in the automation of everyday tasks but increases anonymity and the security of internet related activities, making them less susceptible to external threats.
