Guide to using cURL with Python

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Web scraping involves extracting data from websites for tasks like data analysis, research, and automation. While Python offers libraries for sending HTTPS requests and performing scraping, using cURL via PycURL can be more efficient. In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to use Python cURL to scrape web pages. We'll provide examples and compare its performance with other popular libraries such as Requests, HTTPX, and AIOHTTP.

Getting started with cURL and Python

Before diving into Python integration, it's essential to understand cURL basics. You can use cURL commands directly in the terminal to perform tasks like making GET and POST requests.

Example cURL commands:

# GET request
curl -X GET ""

# POST request
curl -X POST ""



Installing required libraries

To use cURL in Python, we need the pycurl library, which provides a Python interface to the cURL library.

Installing PycURL:

pip install pycurl

Making HTTP requests with PycURL

PycURL offers detailed control over HTTP requests in Python. Below is an example demonstrating how to make a GET request with PycURL:

import pycurl
import certifi
from io import BytesIO

# Create a BytesIO object to hold the response data
buffer = BytesIO()

# Initialize a cURL object
c = pycurl.Curl()

# Set the URL for the HTTP GET request
c.setopt(c.URL, '')

# Set the buffer to capture the output data
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)

# Set the path to the CA bundle file for SSL/TLS verification
c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())

# Perform the HTTP request

# Close the cURL object to free up resources

# Retrieve the content of the response from the buffer
body = buffer.getvalue()

# Decode and print the response body

Handling POST requests

Sending data with POST requests is common. With PycURL, use the POSTFIELDS option. Here's an example of making a POST request with PycURL:

import pycurl
import certifi
from io import BytesIO

# Create a BytesIO object to hold the response data
buffer = BytesIO()

# Initialize a cURL object
c = pycurl.Curl()

# Set the URL for the HTTP POST request
c.setopt(c.URL, '')

# Set the data to be posted
post_data = 'param1="pycurl"¶m2=article'
c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, post_data)

# Set the buffer to capture the output data
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)

# Set the path to the CA bundle file for SSL/TLS verification
c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())

# Perform the HTTP request

# Close the cURL object to free up resources

# Retrieve the content of the response from the buffer
body = buffer.getvalue()

# Decode and print the response body

Handling custom HTTP headers

Custom headers or authentication are often required with HTTP requests. Below is an example of setting custom headers with PycURL:

import pycurl
import certifi
from io import BytesIO

# Create a BytesIO object to hold the response data
buffer = BytesIO()

# Initialize a cURL object
c = pycurl.Curl()

# Set the URL for the HTTP GET request
c.setopt(c.URL, '')

# Set custom HTTP headers
c.setopt(c.HTTPHEADER, ['User-Agent: MyApp', 'Accept: application/json'])

# Set the buffer to capture the output data
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)

# Set the path to the CA bundle file for SSL/TLS verification
c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())

# Perform the HTTP request

# Close the cURL object to free up resources

# Retrieve the content of the response from the buffer
body = buffer.getvalue()

# Decode and print the response body

Handling XML responses

Parsing and handling XML responses is crucial when working with APIs. Below is an example of handling XML responses with PycURL:

# Import necessary libraries
import pycurl  # Library for making HTTP requests
import certifi  # Library for SSL certificate verification
from io import BytesIO  # Library for handling byte streams
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # Library for parsing XML

# Create a buffer to hold the response data
buffer = BytesIO()

# Initialize a cURL object
c = pycurl.Curl()

# Set the URL for the HTTP GET request
c.setopt(c.URL, '')

# Set the buffer to capture the output data
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)

# Set the path to the CA bundle file for SSL/TLS verification
c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())

# Perform the HTTP request

# Close the cURL object to free up resources

# Retrieve the content of the response from the buffer
body = buffer.getvalue()

# Parse the XML content into an ElementTree object
root = ET.fromstring(body.decode('utf-8'))

# Print the tag and attributes of the root element of the XML tree
print(root.tag, root.attrib)

Handling HTTP errors

Robust error handling is essential for making reliable HTTP requests. Below is an example of error handling with PycURL:

import pycurl  # Import the pycurl library
import certifi  # Import the certifi library
from io import BytesIO  # Import BytesIO for handling byte streams

# Initialize a Curl object
c = pycurl.Curl()

buffer = BytesIO()
# Set the URL for the HTTP request
c.setopt(c.URL, '')
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())

    # Perform the HTTP request
except pycurl.error as e:
    # If an error occurs during the request, catch the pycurl.error exception
    errno, errstr = e.args  # Retrieve the error number and error message
    print(f'Error: {errstr} (errno {errno})')  # Print the error message and error number
    # Close the Curl object to free up resources
    body = buffer.getvalue()
    print(body.decode('iso-8859-1'))  # Decode and print the response body


The corrected code adjusts the URL to, resolving the protocol issue. It repeats the process of configuring the request, performing it, and handling errors as in the initial snippet. Upon successful execution, the response body is again decoded and printed. These snippets highlight the importance of proper URL configuration and robust error handling in HTTP requests with pycurl.

import pycurl  # Import the pycurl library
import certifi  # Import the certifi library
from io import BytesIO  # Import BytesIO for handling byte streams

# Reinitialize the Curl object
c = pycurl.Curl()

buffer = BytesIO()
# Correct the URL to use HTTPS
c.setopt(c.URL, '')
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())

    # Perform the corrected HTTP request
except pycurl.error as e:
    # If an error occurs during the request, catch the pycurl.error exception
    errno, errstr = e.args  # Retrieve the error number and error message
    print(f'Error: {errstr} (errno {errno})')  # Print the error message and error number
    # Close the Curl object to free up resources
    body = buffer.getvalue()
    print(body.decode('iso-8859-1'))  # Decode and print the response body

Advanced cURL features

cURL provides many advanced options to control HTTP request behavior, such as handling cookies and timeouts. Below is an example demonstrating advanced options with PycURL.

import pycurl  # Import the pycurl library
import certifi  # Import the certifi library for SSL certificate verification
from io import BytesIO  # Import BytesIO for handling byte streams

# Create a buffer to hold the response data
buffer = BytesIO()

# Initialize a Curl object
c = pycurl.Curl()

# Set the URL for the HTTP request
c.setopt(c.URL, '')

# Enable cookies by setting a specific key-value pair
c.setopt(c.COOKIE, 'cookies_key=cookie_value')

# Set a timeout of 30 seconds for the request
c.setopt(c.TIMEOUT, 30)

# Set the buffer to capture the output data
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)

# Set the path to the CA bundle file for SSL/TLS verification
c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())

# Perform the HTTP request

# Close the Curl object to free up resources

# Retrieve the content of the response from the buffer
body = buffer.getvalue()

# Decode the response body using UTF-8 encoding and print it

Comparison of PycURL, Requests, HTTPX, and AIOHTTP

When working with HTTP requests in Python, four popular libraries are PycURL, Requests, HTTPX, and AIOHTTP. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. Here's a comparison to help you choose the right tool for your needs:

Feature PycURL Requests HTTPX AIOHTTP
Ease of use Moderate Very Easy Easy Moderate
Performance High Moderate High High
Asynchronous support No No Yes Yes
Streaming Yes Limited Yes Yes
Protocol support Extensive (supports many protocols) HTTP/HTTPS HTTP/HTTPS, HTTP/2, WebSockets HTTP/HTTPS, WebSockets

The comparative analysis indicates that PycURL offers high performance and flexibility, making it suitable for advanced users who require detailed management of HTTP requests. On the other hand, Requests and HTTPX are better suited for simpler, more intuitive scenarios. AIOHTTP stands out in handling asynchronous tasks, providing effective tools for managing asynchronous requests.

The choice of the right library depends on the specific needs and requirements of your project, with PycURL being an excellent option for those needing speed and advanced capabilities.
