Setting up a proxy in OpenBullet

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OpenBullet is a free, open-source program designed for automated security testing of websites and applications. It is commonly used for penetration tests, vulnerability assessments, and automating tasks such as data analysis and information gathering on the web. Here are the key features of this vulnerability scanner:

  • You can create configurations that define actions performed on a website, such as entering data, sending requests, and analyzing responses.
  • It supports various types of HTTP requests, including GET and POST, enabling automated interactions with websites and applications.
  • The tool can use proxy servers for anonymous testing and can solve captchas if needed.
  • It provides reports and logs of completed actions, which are useful for IT specialists analyzing the results of API testing.

Configuring a proxy in Open Bullet allows you to conduct tasks from different locations and speed up specific processes.

How to set up proxy in Open Bullet

  1. Download Open Bullet and open it on your computer. The program is compatible with Windows, Linux, and other operating systems. Navigate to the “Proxies” tab in the main menu. To start testing, visit the main page of the Google search engine and check the results.


  2. If you want to add proxies, click the “Import” button and customize the settings. You can use a pre-existing file containing the list of required proxy servers. To do this, click the folder icon and select the desired file on your computer.


  3. Alternatively, you can add proxy servers manually. In the new window, navigate to the “Import” tab, select “Paste” and enter the required IP-address and port, username, and password separated by a colon in the field below. Once done, click the “Accept” button.


  4. Next, ensure all proxy servers are in operation. Go back to the “Proxies” tab and click the “Check” button. The program will show a list of all properly functioning proxies.


That’s it. OpenBullet will use the specified proxy servers for task processing.
